

Push-ups are a dynamic exercise providing numerous benefits and addressing various fitness levels and goals. Here are key insights from trusted experts:

  1. Muscles Worked: Push-ups engage the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. Strengthening these muscles can be achieved with exercises like dumbbell presses, cable flies, elevated push-ups, and tricep extensions 1 2.

  2. Form and Technique: Proper form involves keeping an elbow-over-wrist alignment and maintaining a stable core. Breathe in as you lower and out as you push up, matching your breath to the movement to avoid holding your breath 3 4.

    Strengthening Push Ups

    Danny Matranga provides valuable insights on how to strengthen the muscles necessary for performing push ups. By focusing on exercises that target the chest, triceps, and core, listeners can improve their push up capabilities and gradually increase their reps.
    Dynamic Dialogue with Danny Matranga
    307: Breakfast, Steam Room, Plateaus, Should You Eat Organic + More!
  3. Range of Motion: Full joint range of motion is crucial unless there's a specific reason to limit it. A proper push-up includes a full lockout of the elbows at the top and a chest touch or close to it at the bottom 2.

  4. Progression and Adaptations: Push-ups can be scaled for different fitness levels, from wall push-ups to advanced variations like star and fist push-ups. They offer great scapular mobility and can replace other pressing exercises like bench presses 3 4 2.

  5. Health Benefits: Push-ups not only build strength but also serve as a measure of cardiovascular health. Being able to perform more than 40 push-ups is linked to a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease 5.

  6. Special Considerations: Women often face challenges with traditional push-ups due to upper body strength differences, but with proper training and adaptation, they can achieve proficiency 6.

Using these insights, you can improve your push-up technique, scale them to your fitness level, and harness their full benefits for overall health and strength.