How does box breathing benefit us?


Box breathing offers several benefits by improving control over one's breathing pattern and enhancing relaxation and stress reduction. Here are some key benefits discussed by :

  1. Neuromechanical Control: Box breathing aids in gaining neuromechanical control of the diaphragm, enhancing one's ability to take full, mechanically driven breaths without conscious effort. This practice involves mastering the timing of breaths—inhaling, holding, exhaling, and holding again—which can then translate to more regular and controlled breathing patterns throughout the day 1.

  2. Reduced Stress and Improved Calm: Regular practice of box breathing has been shown to reduce stress, improve levels of calmness, and diminish hyperexcitability in the brain. This can lead to a more relaxed state throughout the day, contributing to better mental health and well-being 1.

  3. Improved Nighttime Sleep: The improved control over breathing and the reduction in stress levels contribute to better sleep quality, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep 1.

  4. Carbon Dioxide Tolerance: Practicing box breathing can increase your tolerance to carbon dioxide, which can help in extending breath holds and further improving the efficacy of the breathing exercises over time 1.

By integrating these practices into daily routines, individuals can achieve substantial benefits in terms of reduced stress, improved autonomic control, better sleep, and overall enhanced well-being.

Box Breathing Benefits

Andrew explains the benefits of box breathing and the importance of carbon dioxide tolerance. By doing this exercise, we can improve our calmness, reduce stress, and improve our nighttime sleep. The carbon dioxide tolerance test helps us determine our capability to do box breathing, and over time, we can extend the duration of the inhale hold exhale holds.

Huberman Lab

How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast