Detaching from Scoring


Detaching from scoring and outcomes to focus on personal growth and strategic goals is a powerful tool discussed by several experts. Here are insights from some trusted voices:

  1. Jocko Willink from the emphasizes stepping back from emotional entanglements. He suggests detachment allows for a strategic overview, preventing detrimental decisions driven by emotion. This practice helps in logical decision-making based on risk, reward, and overall impact, rather than immediate emotional responses 1.

  2. adrienne maree brown discusses balancing commitment and detachment. She highlights focusing deeply on the process and releasing attachment to outcomes. This mindset allows the truth and creativity to manifest without being clouded by concerns about success or permanence 2.

  3. Tony Fadell, in a conversation with Harry Stebbings, talks about prioritizing ideas and missions over numbers. By focusing on the core problems to be solved, rather than financial metrics, detaching from the pressure of numerical success can lead to greater innovation and meaningful work 3.

    Detaching for Strategic Decision Making

    Jocko and Echo discuss the importance of detaching oneself from emotional obstacles in order to make strategic decisions and avoid detrimental outcomes. They emphasize the need to assess risks, rewards, and sacrifices to make logical choices based on the overall strategic picture.

    Jocko Podcast

    Jocko Podcast 12 - With Echo Charles | What Made Jocko
  4. Robert Greene explains that detaching from emotions can leverage insecurities into motivation for better work. He uses self-doubt as a driver to enhance his efforts, producing meticulous and accessible work by consistently challenging himself 4.

These experts collectively advocate for detachment as a necessary practice in various aspects, ensuring that one can make clearer, more strategic decisions and foster a healthy, sustainable approach to work and creativity.