How does sodium affect neuron function?


Sodium plays a crucial role in the function of neurons, primarily by enabling the action potential, which is the fundamental way in which neurons communicate. Inside the neuron, there are various ions, but the difference in sodium concentration inside and outside the neuron creates a voltage difference across the cell membrane. When a neuron is activated, sodium channels open, allowing sodium ions to rush into the cell. This influx changes the electrical charge of the cell, triggering the action potential. After the action potential, sodium ions are pumped out of the neuron to reset its electrical status, readying it for another signal 1 2.

Sodium and Neurons

Andrew explains the crucial role of sodium in the way neurons function, particularly in engaging the action potential, which is the fundamental way in which neurons communicate with one another. He describes the process of changing the electrical activity of a neuron and how sodium carries a positive charge that creates a positive charge outside of the cell.

Huberman Lab

Using Salt to Optimize Mental & Physical Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #63