Is high speed rail necessary?


The necessity of high-speed rail is a topic with diverse opinions and considerations.

Arguments for High-Speed Rail:

  1. Economic and Social Impact: High-speed rail can have substantial positive economic and social impacts. For instance, China has successfully utilized high-speed rail to enhance connectivity and spur economic growth by lifting millions out of poverty 1.
  2. Potential for Major Success: Projects like high-speed rail hold the potential for significant success if managed and executed correctly, possibly transforming connectivity and economic landscapes in regions like Mexico 2.

Arguments Against High-Speed Rail:

  1. High Costs and Questionable Necessity: High-speed rail projects like California's proposed track have been criticized for their enormous costs and debated necessity. Critics argue that the funds could be better allocated towards other pressing infrastructure needs or more efficient transportation options such as air travel 3 4.

    Long-term Planning

    Daniel discusses the challenges of long-term planning in democratic systems and how authoritarian regimes like China are able to coordinate more effectively. He explains how term limits and political polarization prevent investment in long-term projects, leading to the dissipation of energy. However, he also acknowledges the fail states and dystopic properties of a system without internal friction or term limits.

    Lex Fridman Podcast

    Daniel Schmachtenberger: Steering Civilization Away from Self-Destruction | Lex Fridman Podcast #191
  2. Project Delays and Feasibility Concerns: There are concerns about long project timelines, delays, and the feasibility of constructing in challenging conditions, such as across mountain ranges. These factors can significantly inflate costs and complicate the completion of high-speed rail projects 5.

Examples of High-Speed Rail Challenges:

  • Productivity Decline in Subway and Bridge Construction: Comparisons drawn between historical fast-paced infrastructure projects and current slower-paced efforts indicate a substantial decline in modern-day construction productivity, potentially impacting high-speed rail project efficiency 6.
  • Perverse Use of Sunk Costs: The California bullet train project, for example, was severely criticized for its budget overruns and the decision-making process influenced by sunk costs, showcasing a major challenge in managing such large-scale infrastructure projects 5.

In conclusion, while high-speed rail can offer significant advantages if implemented effectively, it also presents substantial risks and challenges that must be carefully considered and managed.