What can I expect in Five Bullet Friday?


"Five Bullet Friday" is a weekly email newsletter by . Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Short and Concise: It's a brief email.
  2. Cool Discoveries: Includes the coolest things Tim has found or pondered over the week, such as new albums, gizmos, gadgets, and articles.
  3. Personal Shares: Often includes favorite new discoveries and articles Tim has shared with close friends.
  4. Variety of Content: Covers a broad range of eclectic and esoteric topics.
  5. Fun Before the Weekend: Designed to provide a small morsel of fun or usefulness before the weekend starts.

You can sign up at FourHourWorkweek.com to receive the next one 1 2 3 4.

Five Bullet Friday

Get a short email every Friday from Tim, filled with the coolest things he's discovered that week, from new albums to gizmos and gadgets. It's a bite-sized dose of goodness to kickstart your weekend. Sign up at FourHourWorkweek.com.

Tim Ferriss Show

Books I’ve Loved — Debbie Millman | The Tim Ferriss Show