Disagreeable leaders


Shane Parrish and his guests have discussed the role and importance of disagreeable leaders, particularly in the startup environment. Here are some insights:

  1. Disagreeable Leaders in Startups:

    • Mike Maples, a guest on The Knowledge Project, highlights that great leaders in successful startups are often willing to be disagreeable. They prioritize the actualization of their vision over seeking approval. Unlike traditional corporate workers who advanced by being likable and having good political skills, these leaders focus on non-conformism and authentic innovation rather than mimicking others or seeking widespread approval 1.
  2. Heretics and Truth-Seeking:

    • In the same conversation, Maples elaborates on the importance of being a heretic in leadership. Leaders who are prepared to challenge the consensus and face disapproval are often the ones who drive significant change. They define their goals based on truth-seeking rather than approval-seeking, which can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements, whether in business or other fields 2.

These insights depict that in innovative environments, particularly startups, having leaders who are willing to be disagreeable and challenge the status quo can be a critical element for profound development and success.

Great Leaders Disagree

Mike explains how the great leaders of successful startups are often willing to be disagreeable and prioritize the actualization of their vision over seeking approval. This lack of memetic behavior sets them apart from the archetype worker of the 20th century who was well-liked and sought approval.

The Knowledge Project

Mike Maples — The Knowledge Project #77