Women's anger


Discussions about women's anger highlight various aspects of how society perceives and handles this emotion:

  1. Expression and Suppression: Rebecca Traister discusses how women's anger often stems from societal pressures and injustices, highlighting its role in progressive movements despite societal disapproval. She notes that historically, anger in women has been deemed irrational and hysterical, yet it has been a catalyst for social change 1 2.

  2. Health and Relationships: Anita Phillips emphasizes that women's reluctance to show anger often relates to a fear of damaging relationships. She argues that expressing anger is crucial for maintaining self-worth and setting boundaries, debunking the myth that anger is inherently destructive 3.

    Women's Anger

    Rebecca discusses the genesis of her book, which explores the power of women's anger throughout history and its role in transformative movements. She reflects on the Women's March and the healthcare fight as examples of women's anger driving change.


    Ep 43: Stay Mad with Rebecca Traister
  3. Physical and Mental Well-being: Alejandra Proaño points out the health risks associated with suppressing anger, stressing the need for a balanced approach to managing this emotion. She believes addressing societal prejudices against female anger can help women embrace it healthily 4.

  4. Cultural and Social Politics: Ben Shapiro mentions cases where women's political expressions of anger were dismissed or ridiculed, framing these instances as examples of female identity politics. He argues that such anger is often politically motivated rather than stemming from personal grievances 5.

  5. Sexual and Emotional Repression: Emily Morse and her guests explore the link between suppressed anger and sexual energy. They discuss how societal expectations compel women to hide their anger, leading to various physical and emotional repercussions, including in their intimate relationships 6.

These perspectives collectively illustrate the complex dynamics surrounding women's anger, encouraging a broader understanding and acceptance of this powerful emotion.