How can kids manage phone use?
How can kids manage phone use?
To help kids manage phone use, Shane Parrish and his podcast guests share some practical advice:
Involve Kids in the Planning: Allow kids to come up with a phone usage plan themselves. Esther Wojcicki shared an example where kids decided on their own rules, such as no phones from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM during a family vacation. Because the kids made these rules, they adhered to them without resistance 1.
Acknowledge the Challenge: Dr. Becky Kennedy emphasizes that both kids and adults struggle to self-regulate phone use. Recognizing that children might be incapable of self-regulating helps set realistic expectations and plan effective interventions 2.
Prioritize Safety: As a parent, communicate that their primary role is to keep kids safe, even if that means enforcing rules that children might not like. Being clear about this responsibility can make it easier to enforce boundaries around phone use 2.
Consider Broader Support: Dr. Becky Kennedy points out the need for larger-scale support, possibly through legislation, akin to historical regulations on harmful products like cigarettes. This reflects the complexity of the issue and the limitations of relying solely on parental control 2.
These insights emphasize involving kids in creating their own phone rules, acknowledging difficulty in self-regulation, prioritizing safety, and considering broader systemic support.