Tax exempt status


Tax-exempt status in the U.S. is typically designated as 501(c) status, which exempts organizations from federal income tax. This status is crucial for nonprofits as it allows donations made to them to be tax-deductible, increasing their appeal to donors and enabling greater financial stability and savings for the organizations themselves. For example, discusses how freeCodeCamp, after receiving their 501 status, didn't have to pay taxes and could accept tax-deductible donations, significantly aiding their financial sustainability 1.

There are variations and special categories within tax-exempt statuses, such as 501(c)(3) for charitable organizations, 501(c)(4) for social welfare organizations, and 501(c)(6) for business leagues and chambers of commerce. Each category has specific regulations and rules about what kinds of activities they can engage in and what kinds of donations they can accept 2.

Understanding these designations is essential for anyone involved in or planning to establish a nonprofit organization, to ensure compliance with tax laws and to make strategic decisions about fundraising and operations.

Striving for Sustainability

Quincy shares how freeCodeCamp achieved nonprofit status and shifted from selling merchandise to sustainable funding. He discusses the challenges he faced and the financial risks he took to make it happen.

The Changelog

Five years of freeCodeCamp