Short-term thinking


discusses the pitfalls of short-term thinking in various contexts. One significant example he and Dr. Paul Conti address is the habitual, short-sighted approach in prescribing medications during brief psychiatric appointments. They highlight how this approach focuses on immediate gratification rather than long-term health, emphasizing that while it might seem cost-effective initially, it leads to increased healthcare usage and emergency visits over time. This approach, they argue, fails to address the deeper issues at hand and overlooks the societal and individual costs of not allowing people to fully express their generative drives 1.

Additionally, in another context, elaborates on the benefits and drawbacks of acute and chronic stress. He explains that while short-term stress can enhance immune function and cognitive sharpness, it is crucial to differentiate this from long-term stress, which can have detrimental effects. Understanding the duration and impact of stress is key to managing it effectively and avoiding the negative consequences associated with chronic stress 2.

The Cost of Short-Sightedness

Paul Conti discusses the short-sightedness of prescribing medication in short appointments, highlighting the long-term consequences on resources and emergency room visits. Andrew Huberman adds that the unseen cost is the suppression of generative drive, which has incalculable consequences for individuals and society as a whole. The discussion prompts reflection on the need to prioritize individual well-being and societal impact.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Paul Conti: How to Improve Your Mental Health | Huberman Lab Guest Series