• What was Bhante's experience with monks?

  • Sources:

    Bhante Buddharakkhita had profound and varied experiences with other monks throughout his life. His first encounter with Buddhism was in India, where he met monks who introduced him to meditation and Buddhist teachings. He was initially curious and drawn to their peaceful demeanor and eventually joined them for meditation, which he found deeply calming and fulfilling 1.

    In his journey to becoming a monk, Bhante faced significant challenges, including cultural pushback. When he returned to Uganda to establish a Buddhist center, he faced misunderstanding and suspicion. People thought he was either practicing voodoo or mentally unstable because of his robes and the Buddha statue he brought back. Despite this adversity, he persevered with the support of the teachings and principles he learned from other monks 2.

    These relationships with monks were integral to his spiritual and personal development, providing him with the guidance and support needed to navigate his path in Buddhism and establish a Buddhist presence in Uganda 3.