Animal Efficiency


The concept of "Animal Efficiency," particularly pertaining to energy use and biomechanics in animals, can be illustrated using the example of rainbow trout. These fish demonstrate remarkable efficiency in their swimming techniques, particularly when navigating upstream currents during mating seasons. Researchers observed that trout strategically position themselves behind rocks, utilizing the eddies and vortices generated by the obstruction. This behavior reduces their energy expenditure against the stream flow. Intriguingly, experiments showed that even deceased trout placed in similar positions would begin to "swim" upstream due to the natural resonances and interactions between their body structures and the water currents, highlighting a fascinating aspect of biomechanical efficiency that has evolved over centuries 1 .

Efficient Animal Movement

Russ discusses the efficiency of animal movement, specifically the experiment of rainbow trout swimming upstream and how they hang out behind rocks to conserve energy. He also talks about the mechanics of fish and how they resonate with the vortex street, even when dead.

Lex Fridman Podcast

Russ Tedrake: Underactuated Robotics, Control, Dynamics and Touch | Lex Fridman Podcast #114