Gestational diabetes


Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that appears during pregnancy and typically resolves after giving birth. It's essential to manage it effectively since uncontrolled gestational diabetes can harm both the mother and the baby. Here are some key insights on managing and understanding gestational diabetes:

  1. Diet and Carbohydrate Management:

    • There is no definitive research showing that one specific diet is superior for managing gestational diabetes. However, managing carbohydrate intake consistently is crucial. Contrary to some advice, carbohydrates should not be entirely restricted. In fact, diets higher in carbohydrates have been linked to better insulin management during pregnancy 1.
  2. Dietary Intake and Impact on Gestational Diabetes:

    • Increased fiber intake, particularly from whole grains and fruits, has been associated with a reduced risk of developing gestational diabetes. These foods, often discouraged in the context of gestational diabetes, are actually beneficial because of their nutritional content, including their fiber, which supports overall health 2.
  3. Understanding Blood Sugars in Newborns and Infants:

    • Babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes are monitored for their blood sugar levels immediately after birth due to the potential risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Understanding these dynamics is crucial for immediate newborn care 3.

      Managing Gestational Diabetes

      Whitney and Alex debunk myths around gestational diabetes, emphasizing the importance of not restricting carbohydrates, but focusing on whole, fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. They highlight the stress of sudden dietary changes and the lack of nutrition training for many healthcare providers.

      The Ellen Fisher Podcast

      How to Optimize Fertility & Pregnancy Nourishment with Plant Based Dietitians
  4. Importance of Early Screening:

    • It's recommended to begin screening for gestational diabetes early in pregnancy. Sometimes, what is diagnosed as gestational diabetes is actually pre-existing prediabetes or type 2 diabetes that was undiagnosed before the pregnancy. Early intervention can help manage blood sugar more effectively during the crucial early stages of pregnancy 4.
  5. Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes:

    • Gestational diabetes usually resolves after childbirth, but it increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. The condition can potentially be transmitted as type 2 diabetes to the offspring, making monitoring and management post-pregnancy also significant 5.

Managing gestational diabetes involves consistent carbohydrate intake, focusing on fiber-rich and nutritious foods, and understanding the impacts on both mother and child. Early screening and continuous monitoring are critical for managing this condition effectively.


How does gestational diabetes affect newborns?


Gestational diabetes can significantly affect newborns, primarily through the risk of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar levels, shortly after birth. Babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes are monitored for their blood sugar levels for a few hours post-birth because of this risk. For instance, a newborn's typical blood sugar range is between 50 and 92, but there have been cases where it dropped significantly lower, necessitating immediate medical intervention to stabilize the levels 1.

This monitoring and prompt management are crucial to prevent potential complications and ensure the newborn's well-being during the critical first hours and days after birth.

Newborn Blood Sugar

Julia shares the surprising journey of her baby's low blood sugar levels after birth, shedding light on the complexities of gestational diabetes and newborn care. Scott acknowledges Julia's resilience and proactive approach in managing her baby's condition, highlighting the importance of understanding insulin needs and preventing dangerous drops.

Juicebox Podcast: Type 1 Diabetes

#803 The Conversation Reveals All