Calm down


Here are several techniques and insights shared by to help calm down:

  1. Physiological Sigh:

    • Take a big inhale through your nose, then sneak in a brief second inhale to fully inflate your lungs. Finally, perform a long, extended exhale through your mouth. This method quickly reduces stress and promotes a calm state 1.
  2. Down Regulation Breathing:

    • After a workout, use three to five minutes of slow, deliberate breathing with an emphasis on exhales. This practice helps transition your body from a heightened stress state to recovery mode, which is essential for physical and mental relaxation 2.
  3. Late Night FM DJ Voice:

    • In tense or stressful situations, adopting a calm, steady voice not only helps soothe others but also calms oneself. This approach is particularly useful in challenging conversations or negotiations 3.

      Calming Physiology

      Andrew explains how respiration can be used to calm us down and introduces the physiological sigh as a tool to reduce stress response in real-time. He distinguishes physiological sighs from breath work and explains how breathing can directly control heart rate through the interactions between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

      Huberman Lab

      Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety | Huberman Lab Podcast #10
  4. Real-Time Stress Reduction:

    • Engaging the parasympathetic nervous system through tools like the physiological sigh can rapidly diminish the stress response. Techniques that have a direct impact on the autonomic nervous system are the most effective for real-time stress reduction 4.
  5. Broadening Field of View:

    • Expanding your field of vision can physiologically help calm you down and improve decision-making. This is particularly useful in high-stress situations where maintaining composure is crucial 5.

These techniques are grounded in neuroscience and physiology, offering practical ways to calm down in various stressful situations.