How much can being an RA save?


Becoming a Resident Advisor (RA) can offer significant savings on college expenses. Particularly, savings can be realized on room and board, which can be a substantial part of college costs. For example, at Washington University in St. Louis, room and board costs almost $20,000 a year. Depending on the school, benefits for RAs can include free room and board, parking passes, and internet connectivity fees waived. Over the duration of your college career, this could translate into savings between $30,000 to over $50,000 depending on the duration and the school’s policy regarding who can be an RA (some schools allow sophomores, juniors, and seniors, others may restrict it to juniors and seniors only). Achieving such a position is competitive and often requires early planning and application 1 .

College Cost Savings

Cody and an unnamed guest discuss unique ways to save money in college, like participating in paid studies and becoming a Resident Advisor, potentially saving students tens of thousands of dollars on room and board expenses.


114R | Fine Tuning the College Equation