How to promote healthy melatonin levels?


To promote healthy melatonin levels, Shane Parrish, through discussions on his podcast, suggests several strategies:

  1. Avoid Melatonin Supplements: Dr. Andrew Huberman strongly advises against the frequent use of melatonin supplements, as they can interfere with hormone levels in the body. High doses of melatonin from supplements are significantly more than what the body naturally produces and can disrupt other hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. Dr. Huberman is particularly concerned about its impact on children, as melatonin can delay puberty onset 1.

  2. Morning Light Exposure: Getting ample bright light exposure during the day is crucial. This sets your body's internal clock and boosts alertness, well-being, and your wakefulness throughout the day. It also helps establish a natural rhythm, ensuring that your melatonin signals align with the natural day-night cycle 2.

  3. Evening Light Management: Minimize light exposure in the evening. Bright light exposure at night can greatly reduce melatonin levels, impacting sleep quality. Therefore, it's recommended to dim lights as much as possible starting a few hours before bedtime. Reducing screen brightness or using blue light filters can also help 3.

    Healthy Sleep Habits

    Andrew shares his insights on the importance of going to bed early and avoiding high dosages of melatonin. He discusses the impact of melatonin on hormone systems and the potential risks associated with its supplementation, especially in relation to puberty and overall health.

    The Knowledge Project

    The Science of Small Change | Andrew Huberman | Knowledge Project

By following these methods, you can naturally support and maintain healthy melatonin levels, aiding better sleep and overall well-being.