How can we influence others?


To influence others effectively, a mix of principles can be applied:

  1. Liking: We are more likely to say yes to people we like. Principally, similarity and common interests play critical roles in forming likability. Sharing personal information to exhibit commonalities can create a stronger rapport and make others more receptive to our messages 1.

  2. Social Proof: The principle of social proof suggests that people are influenced by the actions and approvals of others. Demonstrating or highlighting how others have accepted or supported an idea can persuade someone to do the same 2.

  3. Authority: Citing authoritative sources or demonstrating knowledge can leverage the principle of authority to influence others. This can be an ethical way to influence, as opposed to manipulation which might involve deceit or exaggeration 3.

    Influence and Similarity

    Robert explains how similarity is a key factor in liking someone and how we can use commonalities to build rapport and influence others. He shares a study where negotiators who shared personal information before negotiating via email were more likely to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

    The Knowledge Project

    How to Get People to Say "Yes" | Robert Cialdini | The Knowledge Project 122
  4. Shared Identity: Emphasizing shared identities or long-standing relationships can also aid in influencing others. This could involve highlighting common backgrounds, mutual experiences, or any other connections that might exist 4.

Each of these principles can be utilized in different contexts, whether personal, professional, or commercial, to effectively sway individuals or groups toward a desired action or agreement.