If I'm new to ChatGPT, how do I start?


As a newcomer to ChatGPT, Dan Shipper discusses several ways to begin utilizing the tool effectively:

  1. Recording Ideas for Writing:

    • Record your thoughts or ideas on a walk, have them transcribed, and then ask ChatGPT to summarize and create outlines to help structure your writing 1.
  2. Building Apps:

    • Start small with app development, perhaps with a minimal feature like a clock, and then expand your ideas from there 2.
  3. Personalizing ChatGPT:

    • Customize your ChatGPT experience by adding personal details so the AI can respond more effectively to your context without needing repeated explanations 3.

      Unleashing Writing Potential

      Dan shares how he uses ChatGPT to enhance his writing process, from generating ideas to finding the perfect words to express his thoughts. Discover how this tool can help you unleash your writing potential.

      How Do You Use ChatGPT?

      How to Use ChatGPT as a Copilot for Learning - Ep. 4 with Nathan Labenz
  4. Seeking Help When Confused:

    • When you are unsure where to start on something, use ChatGPT to sort through ideas and gain insights on how to approach it 4.
  5. Determining Feasibility of Ideas:

    • Leverage ChatGPT to help assess whether an idea is feasible or too ambitious, especially helpful for those without programming background 5.
  6. Effective Use and Saving Data:

    • Learn how to encourage the AI, ensure your work is on the right track, and maintain your notes when using ChatGPT 6.
  7. Modding and Remixing Existing Apps:

    • Utilize ChatGPT for customizing codes and adding new features to existing apps, a practice less focused on starting from scratch and more on modifying and remixing 7.
  8. Using ChatGPT for Personal Growth:

    • Incorporate ChatGPT into your personal development journey to assist with goal setting and self-betterment 8.

Following Shipper's insights, starting with ChatGPT involves leveraging the AI's features to enhance your work, manage projects, and pursue personal growth effectively.