How to identify pseudo-experts?


Identifying pseudo-experts involves recognizing the limitations and misinformation that can arise due to the narrow and specialized nature of modern expertise. As and discuss in an episode of the , expertise has become incredibly specific over time. This makes it easier for individuals to claim expertise in areas where they may not actually have deep knowledge. They point out how easy it is to encounter pseudo-expertise, especially on the internet and in business where assertions of false expertise are often used to sell products or ideas 1 .

To identify pseudo-experts, be wary of:

  • Overstated credentials: Be skeptical of individuals who claim broad expertise over multiple complex fields.
  • Lack of verifiable success: Look for verifiable achievements or peer recognition in their field.
  • Unsupported claims: Be cautious of claims that are not supported by evidence or that contradict established knowledge.
  • Sales motives: Consider whether their expertise is being used primarily to sell a product or idea.

It's important to critically assess the information and the sources of that information, especially given the plethora of content available online.


Jordan and Daniel discuss the rise of pseudo-experts in society due to the overwhelming amount of information available and the tendency for expertise to become increasingly narrow. They highlight the dangers of trusting these so-called experts and the importance of being critical of the information presented to us.

The Jordan Harbinger Show

662: Daniel J. Levitin | How to Think Critically in the Post-Truth Era