Mouse models


discusses the use of mouse models, specifically in studies related to depression, OCD, social cognition, and learning. This use of animal models, especially rodents, is common for various reasons, including their genetic tractability and general applicability to human conditions.

  1. Depression Studies: One commonly used model called the "model of learned helplessness" involves placing a mouse in water to observe when it gives up swimming, reflecting depressive-like behavior. This allows researchers to administer different interventions to see their effects on the animal's persistence or resignation, drawing parallels to human depression 1.

  2. OCD Research: By manipulating neural circuits within mice, researchers have induced behaviors analogous to human obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This includes excessive grooming triggered by specific neural activations, suggesting a potential neurological basis for OCD 2.

  3. Learning and Decision-Making: In learning experiments, mice are used to investigate phenomena such as the winner effect, where previous success leads to a predisposition towards future success 3.

    Animal Models

    Explore the use of animal models, specifically rats and mice, to study depression and learning and memory. Discover the model of learned helplessness and its significance in understanding depression in preclinical animal models.

    Huberman Lab

    Ketamine: Benefits and Risks for Depression, PTSD & Neuroplasticity | Huberman Lab Podcast
  4. Social Cognition and Autism: Studies involving mice models also explore the social impairments seen in autism spectrum disorders, such as altered social rewards and empathetic behaviors 4.

Overall, mouse models in neuroscience research provide crucial insights into complex human psychological and neurological conditions, although their translation to human therapy can be challenging due to fundamental interspecies differences.