• Due to a complete reconstruction of my wrist I am unable to conduct dips. What is an alternative exercise? I am currently doing maps powerlift program

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    Since you are unable to perform dips due to your wrist reconstruction and are looking for an alternative exercise as part of the MAPS Powerlift program, a recommended substitute is the close grip bench press. This exercise effectively targets the triceps and shoulders while allowing more control and the ability to load more weight, making it easier to focus on the triceps. and highlight that it's essential not to grip too narrowly to avoid additional strain on the wrists. A slightly wider, shoulder-width grip with elbows relatively tucked is optimal for this exercise 1. This variation can help maintain the intensity of your tricep training without stressing your wrist.

  • I am currently doing maps powerlift but do not have access to a leg press machine.

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    If you don't have access to a leg press machine while following the MAPS Powerlift program, , , and suggest a solid alternative: lunges. Lunges are highly beneficial for developing lower body strength and offer the advantage of unilateral training, which enhances stability and muscle balance. They also recommended single-leg deadlifts, which are valuable for strengthening your legs and improving balance, especially with progression from bodyweight to using dumbbells 1.