Can exercise enhance longevity?


Yes, exercise can indeed enhance longevity. explains that engaging in cardiovascular exercise can increase the proliferation of new neurons in the dentate gyrus, a part of the hippocampus involved in memory formation and consolidation. This neurogenesis is believed to be important for forming certain types of new memories, which plays a role in cognitive health over the lifespan 1.

Furthermore, achieving a minimum of 180-200 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise per week is crucial for maximizing longevity benefits. This type of exercise indirectly improves cardiovascular health, which in turn supports brain health and overall longevity 1.

Additionally, combining cardiovascular activities with resistance training and VO2 max workouts (exercise that increases the maximum volume of oxygen the body can use) can significantly impact health metrics related to longevity, enhancing both physical and cognitive functions 2.

Exercise and Memory

Andrew discusses the effects of exercise on learning and memory, specifically how cardiovascular exercise can increase the creation of new neurons in the dentate gyrus, a subregion of the hippocampus involved in memory formation and consolidation. He also mentions that getting a minimum of 180-200 minutes of zone two cardiovascular exercise per week can enhance longevity and indirectly impact neurogenesis.

Huberman Lab

Understand & Improve Memory Using Science-Based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #72