Army career tracks


The podcasts offer insights into different career tracks within the military and advice for professionals considering or transitioning to a military career.

  1. American Corporate Partners: This program helps transitioning veterans and reservists by pairing them with volunteer mentors who are experienced in the civilian sectors that the veterans are interested in. The mentors assist with resume building, translating military skills to corporate skills, and networking. It is a year-long mentorship aimed at easing the transition to civilian life and enhancing career opportunities [1 ].

  2. Military MOJO: This is a career fair targeting companies that are particularly interested in hiring individuals with military experience. Big companies across various fields, such as Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, and GM, participate. It also offers personal coaching to help attendees become more marketable to their preferred companies. This resource is advantageous as it prepares candidates for the job market and provides tools like resume advice and interview techniques [1 ].

  3. Career Path in Special Forces: General Don Bolduc shares his personal journey in the army, starting from a point where he was advised to remain an enlisted officer but chose instead to pursue officer training through ROTC. Despite initial skepticism from his seniors, he successfully transitioned into Special Forces, reflecting the importance of following one's convictions even in structured environments like the military [2 ].

These resources and personal stories highlight the diverse paths and support systems available for individuals pursuing or transitioning within military careers.

Transitioning from Military Life

Jordan shares two helpful resources for veterans looking to transition into civilian life and find career opportunities. American Corporate Partners pairs veterans with mentors and Military MOJO offers career fairs and personal coaching to make veterans more marketable to potential employers.

The Jordan Harbinger Show

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