Soda Taxes


The topic of soda taxes is covered in the episode featuring Michael Moss, where he discusses the role of government in regulating food to encourage healthier eating habits. Soda taxes, like those implemented in Philadelphia and across Mexico, have been introduced as a way to nudge people toward healthier choices. These taxes add a nominal charge to sugary beverages, which can motivate consumers to reduce their intake due to the higher cost. Michael Moss suggests that while such taxes are not a complete solution, they can help shift consumer behaviors in a positive direction, especially among those who are sensitive to price changes 1.

Food Regulations

Michael Moss discusses the role of government in regulating food and suggests soda taxes as a possible solution to encourage healthier eating habits. He also highlights the economic inequities in the food system and how processed foods are often cheaper than healthier options.

Mind Pump Podcast

1557: How Food Is Engineered to Make You Addicted & Fat with Michael Moss