• Why is female empowerment linked to infidelity?

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    The link between female empowerment and infidelity can be understood through several perspectives discussed by experts:

    1. Autonomy and Opportunity: According to , regions with higher female autonomy often observe increased female infidelity. This is because in societies where women participate meaningfully in politics and the labor force, they may experience higher rates of infidelity as a reflection of their autonomy. However, infidelity itself is seen as a complex behavior that is not directly about empowerment but correlates with environments where women have more freedom and opportunities 1.

    2. Cultural Narratives: highlights how some feminist narratives interpret infidelity as a form of reclaiming bodily autonomy, challenging patriarchal restrictions. This perspective views infidelity as a feminist act of self-care, although this is a contentious viewpoint and not universally accepted 2.

    3. Economic Independence: discusses how economic independence allows women to be less reliant on their partners, which can facilitate opportunities for infidelity. With increased financial independence and access to more potential partners through mediums like dating apps, infidelity among women has increased over recent decades, although it still remains less common than male infidelity overall 3.

    These insights suggest that female empowerment can provide the socio-economic framework that makes infidelity more feasible, though not necessarily that empowerment directly causes infidelity.