Research Tools


Here are some insights on research tools from trusted experts in different fields:

  1. Animal Cognitive Research: In discussing animal intelligence and cognition, explains how elephants use tools uniquely, demonstrating that standard methods can undersell animal intelligence. Initially thought not to be tool users, elephants proved capable when the study's methods were adjusted to account for their physical features, leading to the realization that understanding the animal's perspective is essential for accurate assessments of their cognitive abilities. 1

  2. Machine Learning Experiment Tracking Tools: emphasizes the significance of experiment tracking tools in data science and AI. She highlights that many engineers are unfamiliar with tools beyond TensorBoard, which is known for being slow. She encourages the use of various tools for different facets of machine learning projects, such as data versioning with DVC and experiment visualization with MLflow, underscoring the importance of integrating tools for better productivity and project reproducibility. 2

  3. Evaluating Research Skills in UX: discusses essential skills for researchers, particularly in UX. He stresses that ideal candidates should be versatile and capable of employing multiple research methods. A researcher should be able to handle open-ended questions in various ways and over different timelines, reflecting the complexity of real-world issues. This approach ensures that a team comprises individuals with complementary skills, which is crucial for rounding out the team's collective expertise. 3

    Animal Intelligence Unveiled

    Explore the fascinating world of animal intelligence as Jordan and Frans discuss the misperceptions surrounding animal cognition. Learn how elephants and other animals use tools in unique ways based on their physical features, challenging our understanding of intelligence beyond human standards.

    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

    The Biology of Good and Evil | Frans de Waal | EP 269

These clips provide a comprehensive overview of research tools and methodologies across different contexts, highlighting the importance of adaptability, method diversity, and tailored assessment techniques in research.