nicotine affects on strength


Nicotine has complex effects on the body, including impacts on physical performance. While nicotine increases alertness, attention, and mood, it also causes relaxation of skeletal muscles. This relaxation happens because nicotine interferes with acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that prompts muscle activation. Interestingly, this might make you expect that increasing nicotine would lead to enhanced muscle contraction, but it has the opposite effect due to its interaction with neural circuits that are upstream of the muscles and its effects on the autonomic nervous system.

Due to these interactions, while nicotine can be very beneficial for cognitive tasks, it is not ideal for physical activities that require quick muscle activation and coordination. This makes nicotine generally unsuitable as a pre-workout tool or for enhancing physical performance 1.

Nicotine's Effects

Andrew explains how nicotine can increase cognitive ability and why it's not ideal for physical performance. Nicotine increases alertness, attention, and mood while relaxing skeletal muscles, making it an excellent tool for mental work. However, it's not recommended for physical endeavors as it can slow reaction time and muscle activation.

Huberman Lab

Nicotine’s Effects on the Brain & Body & How to Quit Smoking or Vaping | Huberman Lab Podcast #90