Can lighter shoes improve running?
Lighter shoes can indeed improve running performance by enhancing running economy, as discussed by several experts. Brodie Sharpe highlights that lighter shoes reduce the amount of energy the body needs to expend, improving running economy by 1-2% with a reduction of 100 grams in shoe weight. Conversely, adding weight can decrease running economy by about 2.5% for every 200 grams added1 2.
Additionally, lighter shoes can result in less muscular trauma, helping runners recover more quickly and efficiently from hard workouts. Geoff Burns notes that reduced muscular damage allows runners to train harder and more effectively, leading to better performance on race day3 4.
However, adaptations to lighter shoes are essential. Transitioning to lighter or minimalist shoes should be gradual to avoid injury due to less support. Both Sharpe and Mario Fraioli emphasize the importance of adapting your form and strength gradually1 5.