Is the universe finite or infinite?
Is the universe finite or infinite?
The question of whether the universe is finite or infinite touches on complex aspects of cosmology and physics. Janna Levin, in her discussion with Tim Ferriss, explains that Einstein's theories describe the universe as a curved geometry but do not specify its global connectedness. This means the universe could be finite but unbounded, similar to the surface of the Earth where traveling in a straight line eventually brings you back to the starting point 1.
Levin further states that it's plausible the universe could be a finite, expanding surface. The analogy used is that of a balloon; as it inflates, points on its surface move farther apart without implying there is something outside of the balloon that it is expanding into 2.
Lisa Randall also explores the finite nature of the universe. Using the balloon analogy, she clarifies that the universe, as it expands, is not expanding into anything; it is merely the fabric of space itself growing 3.
Exploring the Finite Universe
In summary:
- Einstein's theory suggests a curved but finite universe.
- The universe might be finite and unbounded, like the surface of a sphere.
- As the universe expands, it doesn't expand into another space; space itself is growing.