Social position


Here are individuals with significant influence or status in social or entrepreneurial sectors:

  1. Sam McRoberts - CEO of VUDU Marketing, author, and expert in philosophy, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience. Known for providing insights into audience engagement strategies and quoted in Forbes, Inc., and Entrepreneur magazines. Appears on the podcast Infinite Loops.

  2. Dwarkesh Patel - A noted podcaster famous for insightful interviews with diverse figures on learning processes. His guests include prominent leaders like Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic. He is featured on This Week in Startups and The Lunar Society.

  3. Alex Lieberman - Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Morning Brew, a rapidly growing media brand, which he sold for $75 million by age 28. Appears on This Week in Startups and How I Built This.

  4. Mark Nelson - An American actor and director with significant Broadway performances. Known for his roles in productions like "Angels in America" and "A Few Good Men." He also appeared on This Week in Startups.

Each of these individuals has leveraged their social position or expertise to make significant impacts in their fields.