How do you mentally prepare for war?


Mentally preparing for war involves several critical strategies:

  1. Detachment: stresses the importance of staying emotionally detached while doing your job. This helps in handling the overwhelming experiences on the front lines without being consumed by them. He advises acknowledging and processing emotions through writing and talking about experiences rather than bottling them up 1.

  2. Training for Resilience: Resiliency and courage are crucial. emphasizes that things will inevitably go wrong in combat, and the key is to adapt, adjust, and own the situation. Effective training aims to prepare combat officers to cope with unexpected challenges as if they were normal 2.

  3. Mindset Development: Achieving the right mindset is a long-term process built through rigorous training, discipline, and accepting potential outcomes. points out that the combat mindset stems from years of preparation, including understanding tactics and the enemy, not from pre-operation rituals 3.

    Mentally Preparing for War

    Jocko shares advice on mentally preparing for the horrors of war, emphasizing the importance of detachment, processing emotions through writing and talking, and compartmentalizing the experiences to maintain a healthy separation between work and home life.

    Jocko Podcast

    Jocko Podcast 225 w/ Echo Charles: Overcome Insecurity. How to Be Aggressive When You are Not.
  4. Preparation for Psychological Strain: Understanding the psychology of soldiers is vital. talks about the importance of preparing soldiers for the psychological strain of battle by repeatedly warning them about the surprises and deep impressions war will bring 4.

In summary, mental preparation for war according to trusted experts involves detaching emotionally, building resilience through extensive training, developing a robust mindset over time, and preparing for the inevitable psychological strains that come with combat.