Is salt good for you?


Salt intake can be both beneficial and potentially harmful depending on various factors such as the individual’s health status and the overall diet.

Benefits of Salt:

  1. Regulation of Body Functions: Moderate salt intake helps maintain fluid balance and is essential for normal body function. Increased intake may be beneficial in specific situations, like during heavy exercise, to replenish sodium lost through sweat 1 2.
  2. Enhanced Alertness and Performance: Salt can help boost alertness and improve exercise performance. It is noted that consuming salt prior to exercise can enhance endurance and reduce the risk of cramping 3 2.

    Salt Intake

    Andrew explains that moderate salt intake is not harmful as long as enough fluids are consumed. The body can store sodium in various organs, but excess storage is not good for long-term health. Salt and thirst for salt are homeostatically regulated, and following your salt hunger and thirst, in most cases, is beneficial provided that it's in the context of eating healthy, nonprocessed foods on whatever backdrop of nutritional and dietary recommendations is right for you.

    Huberman Lab

    Using Salt to Optimize Mental & Physical Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #63

Potential Harms:

  1. Long-term Health Risks: Excessive consumption of salt is linked to negative effects on various organs, including the brain. Overconsumption can lead to swelling of brain tissue, which is detrimental 4.
  2. Hypertension and Cardiovascular Health: It’s crucial for individuals, especially those with hypertension or prehypertension, to manage their salt intake carefully, as excessive salt can exacerbate these conditions 4.

General Guidelines:

  • Monitor salt cravings and consume salt in moderation, particularly in nonprocessed forms. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to tailor salt intake based on individual health needs and conditions 1.

In summary, while salt plays an essential role in regulating body functions and can enhance physical performance, its intake should be carefully managed to avoid long-term health risks.