Should you rely on melatonin for sleep?


Relying on melatonin for sleep may not be advisable. According to on the , the typical dosages found in melatonin supplements are much higher than what your body naturally produces. This can interact with other hormone systems in potentially harmful ways. For example, melatonin can suppress the onset of puberty and interfere with testosterone and estrogen, which are critical for various bodily functions 1.

Huberman particularly emphasizes that melatonin should not be used regularly but might be sparingly utilized for situations like jet lag. Over-reliance on this powerful hormone can lead to unwanted side effects, hence it's better to adopt other sleep-friendly habits 1.

Healthy Sleep Habits

Andrew shares his insights on the importance of going to bed early and avoiding high dosages of melatonin. He discusses the impact of melatonin on hormone systems and the potential risks associated with its supplementation, especially in relation to puberty and overall health.
The Knowledge Project
The Science of Small Change | Andrew Huberman | Knowledge Project