Can justice prevail in Palestine?


The topic of justice prevailing in Palestine is complex and multifaceted, as discussed on the . Here are some insights drawn from various episodes and experts:

Legal and Institutional Challenges

Mohammed El-Kurd highlights significant challenges within the Israeli legal and military systems, pointing out numerous instances where Israeli soldiers involved in violence against Palestinians have gone unpunished. He argues that the Israeli Supreme Court, often perceived as progressive, has upheld many policies that harm Palestinians, such as dispossessing villages and withholding slain Palestinian bodies 1.

Palestinian Statehood and International Law

During a debate involving Norman Finkelstein, Benny Morris, and others, the ineffectiveness of international resolutions in achieving Palestinian statehood was underscored. Finkelstein argues that international law is often sidelined in negotiations, leading to ongoing disputes and unmet Palestinian expectations. The debate suggests that bilateral negotiations might be necessary, though these negotiations face significant barriers due to deep-seated mistrust and power asymmetries 2 3.

Seeking Justice, Challenging Injustice

Mohammed El-Kurd sheds light on the asymmetry of power in the courts and the injustices perpetuated by the Israeli military. He discusses cases of acquittals, dispossessions, and discriminatory laws, challenging the perception of the Israeli Supreme Court as a progressive institution. The conversation delves into the limited vision for a peaceful future and the tension between defending conservative institutions and advocating for change.

Lex Fridman Podcast

Mohammed El-Kurd: Palestine | Lex Fridman Podcast #391

The Role of Non-Violent Protests

Omar Suleiman emphasizes the need for non-violent resistance and the broader fight for Palestinian self-determination. He points out instances where peaceful protests were met with violence, stressing that true justice would require ending the occupation and allowing Palestinians the freedom to determine their own future without external oppression 4 5.

Grassroots Movements and Solidarity

Suleiman also highlights the diverse support for the Palestinian cause, including significant Jewish participation in pro-Palestinian marches. He stresses the importance of focusing on ending the occupation rather than merely condemning acts of violence, advocating for a unified, morally consistent stand against oppression and apartheid 6.

Debate on Violent Resistance

The justification and effectiveness of violent resistance were also discussed. Suleiman and others acknowledge that while an occupation is inherently violent and resistance is often justified, there are moral and strategic challenges, especially when non-violent methods fail to garner the desired outcomes or lead to further repression 7.

In summary, achieving justice in Palestine involves navigating significant legal, political, and social challenges, with experts like Mohammed El-Kurd and Omar Suleiman advocating for systemic changes and increased international support for Palestinian self-determination and human rights.