Combative skills


Combative skills, particularly in military and law enforcement contexts, are extensively discussed by in various episodes of the . Here are some key insights on the topic:

  1. Real-life Scenarios: Combative skills are essential for handling real-life scenarios where sudden non-compliance or hostile opposition arises. Training drills that simulate such situations are crucial for preparedness 1.

  2. Continuous Training: Combative training should be ongoing and integrated into daily routines to maintain readiness. Short courses are insufficient for developing proficient combat skills 2.

  3. Integration with Tactics: Efficient combative training bridges the gap between physical training and tactical application, emphasizing controlled aggression and remaining focused under duress 3.

    Combative Skills Training

    Jocko and Dean discuss the importance of practicing combative skills and the need for training drills to prepare for real-life scenarios. They emphasize the significance of being adaptable and building a fundamental understanding of dominant body positions in ground fighting techniques.

    Jocko Podcast

    Jocko Podcast 344: Modern Combatives. How We Fight, How We Train, How We Live. W/Dean Lister.
  4. Training with Gear: It’s vital to train with the gear that will be used in real scenarios to ensure that movements and actions are as realistic as possible, enhancing operational capability 4.

  5. Law Enforcement Training: Combatives training should be a regular, integral part of law enforcement training protocols, not just periodic refreshers. This helps officers maintain high readiness and tactical skills 5.

  6. Use of Force: Training prepares personnel to use appropriate levels of force, crucial in operations that may restrict the use of lethal force, such as peacekeeping missions or during interactions with civilians in conflict zones 6.

These discussions underscore the importance of rigorous, realistic, and ongoing combative training for military and law enforcement personnel to effectively respond to various levels of threats and manage physical confrontations.