How did visual communication evolve?


The evolution of visual communication has been informed significantly by natural processes and the environment in which organisms exist.

From Nature to Modern Communication

discusses how, in nature, visual signals were often dependable and linked closely to survival traits, such as the peacock's tail which signals its health and strength. This kind of visual communication had direct consequences (e.g., survival or being preyed upon). However, in the modern world, such as on platforms like Facebook, visual communication can be misleading or deceptive, which contrasts sharply with the directly consequential visual signaling found in nature 1.

Sensory Evolution

explains that all forms of communication, including visual, evolved from sensory systems like sight and hearing, originally developed not for communication but for survival functions such as finding food or sensing danger. This perspective highlights how communication systems are deeply anchored in the physical and biological needs of organisms 2.

Crucial Developments in Vision

In the transition of life from water to land, significant evolutionary changes occurred. notes that a notable increase in eye size in aquatic animals preceded the development of limbs and other adaptations necessary for terrestrial life, suggesting that visual capabilities were crucial for exploiting new resources and habitats on land 3.

Evolutionary Communication

Dan Ariely discusses the evolution of communication in nature and contrasts it with the modern world of social media, highlighting the importance of true signals and the trust we instinctively place in them. He also explores how our environment has changed and the impact it has on our decision-making and emotions.

Impact Theory

MASS PSYCHOSIS: How An Entire Population Becomes Stupid & How To Get Ahead Of Everyone | Dan Ariely

These insights from various experts illustrate the deep connection between environmental adaptation and the evolution of visual communication, showing how it extends from basic survival mechanisms to complex interactions in modern social environments.