How is motor inhibition tested?


Motor inhibition is commonly tested using a task where participants react to signals that instruct them to either execute or inhibit a motor action, such as pressing a key. During the task, an arrow is presented, and shortly after, a stop signal may appear. Participants must press the key if no stop signal appears, but refrain if it does. The challenge increases if the stop signal is delayed by about 200 to 350 milliseconds after the arrow, as it reduces the chances of successfully inhibiting the action. This type of test highlights the neural processes involved in motor control and is indicative of the neural circuits active in everyday motor tasks 1 .

Motor Inhibition

Andrew explains a fun little task that illustrates the difficulty of generating stop signals when learning new motor behavior. He emphasizes that these tasks target the same neural circuits used for any motor task.

Huberman Lab

Science-Based Mental Training & Visualization for Improved Learning | Huberman Lab Podcast