How many worlds exist in our galaxy?


In the Milky Way, there might be as many rogue planets as there are stars, according to Sara Seager in her discussion with Lex Fridman. This suggests a significant number of worlds, or planets, potentially matching or even surpassing the number of stars which is estimated in the hundreds of billions. Each of these stars is likely to have its planets, as most stars are believed to host at least one planet. Therefore, the number of worlds in the Milky Way could be extraordinarily vast, possibly in the hundreds of billions or more 1.

Loneliness of Rogue Planets

Sara Seager discusses the profound loneliness of rogue planets, which are exoplanets that are not part of a solar system and are flying rudderless in the galaxy. She explains that we all want to be part of something and being alone can be a difficult experience. Lex Fridman and Sara Seager also discuss the number of rogue planets in the galaxy and how they may have been kicked out of their star systems.

Lex Fridman Podcast

Sara Seager: Search for Planets and Life Outside Our Solar System | Lex Fridman Podcast #116

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