Aid allocation


Here are some perspectives from trusted experts on the topic of aid allocation:

  1. Angus Deaton on Foreign Aid and Government Accountability: Deaton criticizes traditional foreign aid practices, stating that giving large sums to governments often fails to improve the lives of the poor. Instead, he suggests focusing on specific initiatives such as disease research and ending harmful practices like cotton subsidies and arms sales. He emphasizes the importance of government accountability and the need for a contractual relationship between the government and its citizens for effective aid allocation 1.

  2. Ben Shapiro on Funding Conflicts: Shapiro discusses concerns over aid being misused by entities like the Palestinian Authority, which has a history of supporting terrorism. He explains that financial aid often does not reach its intended purpose but instead funds harmful activities, highlighting the complexity and potential dangers of international aid in politically unstable regions 2.

  3. Chris Blattman on Empowering Ugandan Youth: Blattman explores a successful aid strategy in Uganda, where money was given directly to groups of young people to start their own businesses. This approach, funded by the World Bank, aimed to empower local communities and ensure that aid reached the poor effectively. The decentralized and participatory nature of this initiative was key to its success 3.

    Rethinking Foreign Aid

    Economist Angus Deaton challenges the effectiveness of traditional foreign aid in helping the world's poorest populations. He argues that instead of giving large sums of money to governments, aid should focus on specific initiatives like disease research and ending harmful practices like cotton subsidies and arms sales. Deaton emphasizes the importance of government accountability and the need for a contract between the government and its people to truly improve the lives of those in poverty.


    Angus Deaton on Health, Wealth, and Poverty
  4. William Easterly on Aid Industry Failures: Easterly outlines the failures of the aid industry, noting that a significant portion of aid never reaches the intended beneficiaries. He attributes this to the lack of feedback mechanisms and proper evaluation within the aid system, which allows inefficiency and corruption to flourish. The bureaucratic nature of aid agencies often prioritizes their own survival over effective aid distribution 4.

These clips reflect different aspects of aid allocation challenges and suggest that transparency, accountability, and innovative methods are crucial for improving its effectiveness.