How did they create website prototypes?


Creating website prototypes can be achieved through various methods, demonstrating the flexibility in the prototyping process. Here's a summary of different approaches that trusted experts have discussed:

  1. Using Software and Tools: For instance, Janna Bastow suggests employing tools like ProdPad for experimenting with product roadmaps. She advocates using Sandbox mode, a feature that allows exploring best practices and layouts without requiring a sign-in. This method is likened to prototyping strategies, where assumptions about product designs or features are tested (1).

  2. Feedback and Iteration: Julie Zhuo stresses the importance of specific feedback at each phase of the design process. She explains that early stages may involve more conceptual feedback (like validating the problem-solving capacity), while later stages might focus on user interface decisions and ease of use. This approach helps ensure that each phase of the prototype gets constructive and relevant feedback (2).

  3. Low-Commitment experiments: Kevin Kelly discusses the ethos of 'prototyping your life,' which includes trying small experiments or prototypes to learn and adapt quickly. This philosophy can be applied to business and product development, encouraging the use of low-cost, high-learning experiments to refine concepts and designs before full-scale execution (3).

    Experimenting with Roadmaps

    Janna explains how to experiment with roadmaps using the now, next, later framework and emphasizes the value of the prototyping process in shaping strategy.

    Lenny's Podcast

    Building better product roadmaps | Janna Bastow (Mind the Product, ProdPad)
  4. In-Context Review: Scott Belsky highlights the importance of discussing prototypes within the broader context of the customer journey. He recommends starting product reviews with a prototype and involving the right people to lead these discussions, which helps in aligning the team and improving the user experience based on a comprehensive understanding of customer interaction (4).

These approaches show the diversity and importance of prototyping as a strategy to refine, validate, and improve product designs effectively.