Was the revolution self-funded?


The self-funding aspect of revolutions has been addressed by experts in different contexts:

  1. In the American Revolution, anonymous or pseudonymous pamphlets, crucial in disseminating revolutionary ideas, were self-published. These pamphlets played a pivotal role without traditional financial backing from established institutions 1.

  2. The broader discussion around funding for revolutions in technology, such as the AI revolution, indicates a trend towards seeking new financial models rather than relying on traditional funding. For instance, one approach was self-funding ventures initially before seeking external investment once the product's value was proven 2 3.

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  3. In the context of healthcare transformation, self-funded health plans are becoming a significant movement, challenging traditional systems and driving competitive market practices through direct financial participation of individuals and employers 4 5.

This indicates that revolutionary changes, whether in governance, healthcare, or technology, often start with self-funding or grassroots-level financial support before gaining larger institutional funding.