What is the Stoic philosophy?


Stoic philosophy is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. It is not merely an academic discourse but a practical way of life, especially notable for its guidance on how to handle and face emotional challenges effectively. The philosophy posits that the path to happiness is found in accepting the moment as it presents itself, by not allowing oneself to be controlled by the desire for pleasure or the fear of pain, and by using one's mind to understand the world and to do one's part in nature's plan. Compassion and humility are also central themes.

One of the main teachings of stoicism involves dividing things into two categories: those you can control and those you cannot. Stoics believe that focusing on what you can control ultimately leads to greater peace of mind and resilience. This approach is relevant today in helping individuals deal with stress, uncertainty, and upheaval by empowering them to focus on their own actions and responses 1.

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740: Ryan Holiday | Discipline is Destiny (Live from Los Angeles)