Non-belief in science


Skepticism about science is not inherently anti-science. It's a critical component of the scientific method, which thrives on questioning and rigorous testing to improve understanding and eliminate biases.

and discuss how skepticism within science aims to refine methods and reduce biases. They note that science is not about absolute truths but is built on healthy skepticism and replication to minimize errors.1

emphasizes that even though science can present conflicting information at the frontier, verified results, like E=mc², stand firm and are not subject to change. He stresses the need for better education on how the scientific method works to counter skepticism about well-established scientific facts.2 3

Science and Skepticism

Russ and John discuss the role of skepticism in science and the importance of acknowledging the limitations and biases within research. They emphasize that science is a continuous process of improvement and replication, rather than a pursuit of absolute truths.


John Ioannidis on Statistical Significance, Economics, and Replication

:white_check_mark: Overall, skepticism is essential in science, promoting open-mindedness and preventing complacency by constantly questioning and seeking better evidence.4 5