How can embracing mortality enhance your life?


Embracing mortality can significantly enhance your life by influencing the choices and actions you take every day. As discussed in a podcast episode, Alua Arthur, a death doula, highlights how reflecting on our mortality encourages us to live more authentically. She poses a critical self-reflection question, asking if, were we to die tonight, would we regret not doing particular things? This perspective can serve as a barometer in making decisions that align more closely with our true desires and values, helping us to live without regrets 1.

Furthermore, Arthur describes how acknowledging death helps prioritize what really matters and motivates us to make the most of every moment with our loved ones. This outlook can deepen our relationships and enhance our daily experiences, making us more conscious of the finite nature of time and the importance of living fully and presently 2.

Thus, by contemplating our mortality, we can focus on what is genuinely significant, reducing time spent on inconsequential matters and enhancing our overall quality of life.

Embracing Mortality

Alua prompts us to confront our regrets and live authentically by imagining our last days. She challenges us to filter decisions through the lens of our mortality, urging us to prioritize what truly matters.

Women of Impact

#1 Death & Regret Expert: "63 Minutes To Change The NEXT 50 Years Of Your Life!" | Alua Arthur

Show me discussions from experts on mortality and life.


Here are some insightful discussions from experts on mortality and life:

  1. Embracing Mortality: Alua Arthur, a death doula, discusses how contemplating our own mortality can guide us to make life choices that align with our true desires, thus living authentically and fulfilling our potential 1.

  2. Embracing Life Changes: Arthur shares her personal journey and emphasizes the importance of courage over fear of regret. She suggests using awareness of mortality as a catalyst for pursuing the life you truly want 2.

  3. Embracing Authenticity: Exploring her past, Alua speaks about the realization that living for others wasn't fulfilling. This epiphany occurred after a meeting with a fellow traveler, leading her to pursue a life of genuine self-expression 3.

    Embracing Mortality

    Alua prompts us to confront our regrets and live authentically by imagining our last days. She challenges us to filter decisions through the lens of our mortality, urging us to prioritize what truly matters.

    Women of Impact

    #1 Death & Regret Expert: "63 Minutes To Change The NEXT 50 Years Of Your Life!" | Alua Arthur
  4. Embracing Life's Transitions: She discusses how endings in life can be seen as opportunities for new beginnings, suggesting a positive outlook towards life's inevitable changes 4.

  5. Embracing Life's Emotions: Arthur talks about the depth of life that can be felt when present during times of death, and how this has taught her to value the ability to experience intense emotions 5.

  6. Embracing Life Fully: Here, the discussion revolves around the motto "get busy living or get busy dying." Arthur shares insights on living life to the fullest by embracing moments and honoring personal desires 6.

  7. Embracing Life's Truths: Emphasizing the importance of honesty and vulnerability in relationships, Arthur discusses the transformative power of expressing one's true feelings, even when it's challenging 7.

  8. Embracing Life's Moments: Alua reflects on how the awareness of mortality can enhance the appreciation of life, urging to make the most out of every moment with loved ones 8.

These discussions provide a range of perspectives on how being mindful of mortality can profoundly impact and enhance one's approach to living.