What is the Lindy Effect?


The Lindy Effect is a concept that suggests the future life expectancy of certain non-perishable things, like ideas, books, or technologies, is proportional to their current age. If something has existed for a certain number of years, it is likely to exist for another similar span of years. This is a probabilistic, not deterministic, statement. It essentially states that the longer something has survived, the longer it can be expected to continue surviving. Not all entities adhere to this rule, as it primarily applies where the risk of cessation decreases over time 1.

Lindy Effect Explained

Jim and Unknown delve into the concept of the Lindy effect, emphasizing its probabilistic nature and how longevity can impact future life expectancy. They discuss common objections to the idea and Talib's preemptive rebuttals, shedding light on the misunderstood principle.

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