Nasal breathing


Nasal breathing offers several significant health benefits over mouth breathing, as discussed by in various episodes of the . Here are key points covered:

  1. Improved Lung Health and Efficiency:

    • Nasal breathing increases resistance during inhalation, which helps inflate the lungs more effectively, enhancing lung capacity and health. The nose also warms and moisturizes incoming air, which is better for lung health compared to the cooler, drier air inhaled through the mouth 1.
  2. Production of Nitric Oxide:

    • The nasal passages produce nitric oxide, which relaxes the smooth muscles related to the vasculature in the body, improving blood flow and nutrient delivery to various organs 1.
  3. Reduced Sleep Apnea and Improved Sleep Quality:

    • Practicing nasal breathing, including using methods like mouth taping at night, can lead to reduced snoring and less sleep apnea. It also enhances oxygen intake and reduces cortisol levels, thereby benefiting hormone balance and overall sleep quality 2.
  4. Protection Against Respiratory Infections:

    • Nasal breathing is associated with fewer upper respiratory infections in both children and adults. It filters and treats the air more effectively, trapping pathogens and reducing the likelihood of viral infections 3.

      Nasal Breathing Benefits

      Andrew explains the benefits of nasal breathing over mouth breathing, including increased lung capacity, better lung health, and delivery of nitric oxide to all tissues of the body. He recommends nasal breathing as the default pattern of breathing for optimal respiratory health.

      Huberman Lab

      How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast
  5. Aesthetic and Structural Benefits:

    • Nasal breathing can lead to aesthetic improvements such as elevation of the cheekbones, sharpening of the jawline, and better dental health. It also supports the correct development of facial structures in children 4.
  6. Enhanced Memory and Cognitive Function:

    • Certain studies indicate that nasal breathing may activate the hippocampus more than mouth breathing, potentially enhancing memory and cognitive functions 5.

In summary, adopting nasal breathing as the default breathing method, except during activities like intense exercise or communication, can provide numerous health, cognitive, and aesthetic benefits.