How to warm up for deadlifts?


To warm up effectively for deadlifts, the Mind Pump Podcast recommends a few key strategies:

  1. Priming: Replace traditional warm-ups with 'priming', which is more specific and focuses on activating the muscles needed for deadlifts. This might include mobility exercises to increase the range of motion and activation exercises to prepare the muscles for lifting. Popular priming movements include the Prone Cobra, which activates the upper posterior chain and helps with maintaining a proper posture during the deadlift 1.

  2. Controlled Reps and Mobility: During your warm-up, perform deep controlled reps without relaxing the muscles at the bottom. Ensure you maintain muscle tension throughout. This approach helps to strengthen the weakest parts of the movement and reduces injury risk 2.

  3. Soft Tissue Work and Activation: Engage in soft tissue work, such as foam rolling, particularly on areas involved in the deadlift, like lats and hips. Follow this with low-intensity exercises like hip thrusts to activate the glutes and suitcase holds or carries for lateral stability 3.

    Strengthening the Core

    Adam, Sal, and Justin discuss the benefits of deadlifting for developing a strong core and how it can help alleviate low back pain. They also share tips on priming exercises to enhance deadlift performance.

    Mind Pump Podcast

    How To Unlock Your Deadlift Potential & AVOID Common Mistakes | Mind Pump Deadlift Masterclass 2122
  4. Dynamic Movements: It's also suggested to implement dynamic movements like leg swings as part of your warm-up to further enhance muscle activation and readiness for the main lifts 4.

  5. Starting Light and Gradual Increase: Begin with lighter weights and progressively work up to your main lift weight. This gradual increase helps your body to adapt and reduces the chance of overstressing the muscles 5.

By incorporating these elements into your warm-up routine, you will ensure that your body is optimally prepared for a heavy deadlifting session, maximizing performance while minimizing the risk of injury.