How does Dan cope with his mind battles?


Dan Harris copes with his mental challenges through a robust approach that includes therapy, meditation, and embracing moments of "ugly coping." He discusses the importance of therapy in addressing panic attacks and general anxiety, highlighting how ambition and perfectionism can fuel these issues. He also notes the transformative impact of meditation on his creativity and the ability to loosen up (1). Moreover, Dan mentions the concept of "ugly coping," where he acknowledges the importance of accepting less conventional ways of dealing with tough times, suggesting that flexibility in coping mechanisms is crucial for mental well-being (2).

Country Star Mental Health

Brett Eldridge candidly shares how ambition and perfectionism fueled his anxiety, discussing his struggles with panic attacks and the impact of therapy and meditation on his creativity.

Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

A Star, Utterly Unguarded | Brett Eldredge