Ethical Compassion


The ethical aspect of compassion is discussed by multiple experts from various perspectives. Here are key insights:

  1. Jordan Peterson explores the nuances of compassion as a virtue, emphasizing that while compassion is crucial, it should not overshadow other virtues such as judgment, truthfulness, and sensitivity to beauty. He also notes that the elevation of compassion might lead to a demonization of those with opposing views, especially in political and social contexts. The neurology of maternal compassion, he argues, does not scale well into larger social structures beyond the immediate family 1.

  2. Karen Armstrong discusses compassion in the context of religion. She argues that compassion is the essential practice across various religious teachings because it leads to ethical transformation. Compassion, she notes, involves putting others before oneself, which can lead to a deeper connection with the divine. This practice contrasts dramatically with using religion to enhance one's ego, which can be destructive and antithetical to the core teachings of major religions 2.

  3. Bhikkhu Anālayo addresses compassion in the context of the climate crisis. He believes individual actions, driven by ethical integrity, contribute significantly to addressing global issues. This approach emphasizes the importance of compassionate action irrespective of the scale of impact, advocating for integrity in personal choices as a manifestation of one’s ethical beliefs 3.

    Rethinking Compassion

    Jordan challenges the modern elevation of compassion as the ultimate virtue, arguing that virtues like judgment, discrimination, truth, and beauty are equally crucial. He delves into the pitfalls of demonizing opposing views under the guise of compassion and explores the limitations of scaling compassion beyond the family unit.

    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

    Radical Leftist Turned Conservative Activist | Amala Ekpunobi | EP 317
  4. Sam Harris introduces the concept of 'moral luck' and advocates for compassion in cases of accidental harm. He suggests that recognizing the role of luck in human morality can lead to a more compassionate approach in the legal and social responses to unintentional but harmful actions 4.

These discussions highlight that ethical compassion is not merely an emotional response but a complex virtue involving judgment, ethical grounding, and practical implications in both personal and broader societal contexts.